Applying for pre-qualification as a supplier of low value construction works

Find out how to apply for pre-qualification on the Construction Supplier Register as a supplier of low value construction works.

From 31 May 2024, the Construction Supplier Register is not accepting any new applications for pre-qualification until its new IT platform, the Construction Supplier Register Portal, is live by mid-July 2024.

Further updates will be published on the Construction Supplier Register page.

On this page

Who can apply for pre-qualification onto the CSR in the low value construction works category?

Suppliers of construction works with demonstrated expertise and financial capacity to tender for projects with contract values up to $500,000 (inclusive of GST) may apply for pre-qualification on the Construction Supplier Register (CSR) in the Low Value Works category at any time.

Applicants interested in other pre-qualification categories should follow the information set out at How to apply for pre-qualification on the Construction Supplier Register.

As part of the CSR’s application process applicants agree to abide and be bound by the CSR’s conditions of pre-qualification, eligibility criteria and the Victorian Government Supplier Code of Conduct.

How to apply for pre-qualification onto the CSR in the low value construction works category?

From 31 May 2024, the Construction Supplier Register is not accepting any new applications for pre-qualification until its new IT platform, the Construction Supplier Register Portal, is live by mid-July 2024.

Applicants must ensure they can meet the CSR’s eligibility criteria before proceeding with an application. The CSR team cannot progress an application if it is incomplete.

Applications must be submitted with supporting documentation. A checklist is provided below to assist with the application process.

Further resources are provided below in the Guides and templates section to assist with the application process.

What information is needed to complete the CSR’s application for pre-qualification in the low value construction works category?

Applicants need to be able to confirm the following information to complete the CSR’s application:

  • the application status
    • confirmation of the entity’s legal structure (i.e., as a company, partnership or sole trader).
  • business details and work history
    • details of the applicant including business name; contact person; directors, partners and associated companies
    • Australian Business Number (ABN) / Australian Company Number (ACN)
    • Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) director identification number
    • details of at least three current construction projects, including the names and contact details for independent referees
    • details of where the applicant is willing to work
    • evidence of current relevant insurance policies.
  • relevant registrations
    • details of relevant registration with the Victorian Building Authority
    • for directors of a company and partnership, registration with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).
  • Occupational health and safety system documents.
    • The Occupational health and safety (OHS) template for the Low Value Works category, to be completed and returned to the CSR team, is provided below with accompanying guidance.
  • copies of financial statements for the last two financial years
  • a completed Industrial relations management self-assessment. The industrial relations template for the Low Value Works category, to be completed and returned to the CSR team is provided below with accompanying guidance.

Guides and templates

The following documents will help applicants prepare their application for pre-qualification on the CSR.

Occupation health and safety management plan

The Low Value Works guide on mandatory OHS management criteria describes:

  • eligibility criteria that apply to occupational health and safety management
  • information to submit as evidence of safety management processes used by the applicant

Applicants may use the following template when submitting their evidence of safety management processes.

Industrial relations management self-assessment checklist

The Detailed guide on the mandatory industrial relations management criteria:

  • describes each criterion
  • includes a copy of the self-assessment checklist

Financial standing

Applicants may use the following template to describe their financial standing, if the applicant does not prepare annual financial statements.

How are applications for pre-qualification on the CSR assessed?

Applications for pre-qualification in the CSR’s Low Value Works category are assessed against the CSR’s Low Value Works Eligibility Criteria.

Help and support

Please contact the CSR Team for assistance in preparing or submitting applications for pre-qualification.

Reviewed 28/06/2024
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