Affordable Housing Investment Partnerships
Affordable Housing Investment Partnerships makes low interest loans and government guarantees available to finance social and affordable housing for Victorians.
Automatic Mutual Recognition of Occupational Licensing
On 1 July 2021, Australian, state and territory governments introduced a scheme to streamline long-standing mutual recognition agreements.
Business Acceleration Fund
Funding for councils, regulators and departments to streamline applications and approvals, and speed up licensing to help new and growing businesses.
Commercial and industrial property tax reform
The Victorian Government is delivering a landmark reform that transitions away from stamp duty for commercial and industrial properties, replacing it with a more efficient Commercial and Industrial Property Tax.
Community Support Fund
The Community Support Fund (CSF) is a trust fund that directs a portion of gaming revenue back into the community.
Early Intervention Investment Framework
The Victorian Government’s Early Intervention Investment Framework (EIIF) is helping guide early interventions to improve the lives of Victorians and deliver better outcomes across the service system.
Economic Growth Statement
Victoria: Open for Business.
Economic impacts of the Best Start, Best Life extension
On 16 June 2022, the Victorian Government announced the Best Start, Best Life extension, an ambitious overhaul of early childhood education and care.
Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund
From 1 July 2025, the Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL) will be replaced by the Emergency Services and Volunteers Fund (ESVF).
Empowerment Fund
Empowerment Fund outcomes.
Green Bonds
Victoria has become the first Government in Australia to issue Green Bonds and the world’s first state or federal government to issue bonds with the international Climate Bond Certification.
Inquiry into economic equity for Victorian women
The Inquiry into economic equity for Victorian women was established to find solutions for problems such as unequal pay and workplace barriers to women‘s success.
Institutional Investment Framework
The Victorian Government announced the Institutional Investment Framework as part of the Housing Statement, to support the ambitious target to build 800,000 homes in Victoria over the next decade.
Partnerships Addressing Disadvantage
The Victorian Government’s Partnerships Addressing Disadvantage (PADs) initiative are social impact investments that tackle complex social issues through outcomes-based partnerships.
Reducing the regulatory burden
The time spent and costs incurred by business and the community dealing with excessive regulatory requirements is an unacceptable burden.
Social Housing Regulation Review
The Victorian Government commissioned an independent Social Housing Regulation Review as part of the Big Housing Build to identify future regulatory arrangements that will support the long-term interests of social housing residents and communities.
Victorian Business Growth Fund
The $250 million Victorian Business Growth Fund (VBGF) is now open to support long‑term growth opportunities for businesses and boost employment and economic development across the State.
Victorian Government Climate-related Risk Disclosure Statement
The Climate-related Risk Disclosure Statement provides information about the Victorian Government’s approach to climate-related risks and opportunities in Victoria.
Victorian Homebuyer Fund
The Victorian Homebuyer Fund (VHF) is the Victorian Government’s shared equity scheme. The scheme will support thousands of Victorians to enter home ownership.
Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2024
The Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2024 was formally approved by the Fair Work Commission on 12 August 2024 and began operation on 19 August 2024.
VicRoads Modernisation
Find information about the VicRoads Modernisation process, bringing benefits to individuals and businesses.
Workplace Incidents Consultative Committee
The Workplace Incidents Consultative Committee (the WICC) is a lived experience committee.
Windfall gains tax
Significant windfall gains can accrue to landholders when the value of their land increases due to the actions of government.