Hopkins Correctional Centre

The Hopkins Correctional Centre expansion is a new 358 bed medium-security prison facility in Ararat that is integrated with the existing Ararat Prison.


Hopkins Correctional Centre (formerly Ararat Prison)


$394 million (net present value May 2010)


Service Delivery Commenced

Department or agency

Department of Justice and Regulation


On 30 July 2008, it was announced that a new prison would be built at Ararat under a public private partnership arrangement. The new prison will be a 350-bed medium-security expansion of the existing Ararat Prison (Project). The private sector consortium will design, build, finance and maintain the facility, while custodial services will continue to be provided by the Department of Justice.

The contract for the prison was awarded to the Aegis Correctional Partnership consortium on 3 May 2010. The Project faced significant time and cost overruns during construction. In June 2012, following the earlier collapse of its joint venture builder, St Hilliers Hawkins Joint Venture, Aegis Correctional Partnership was placed into voluntary administration.

In August 2012, the State and Aegis’ financiers entered into a Project Reimplementation Deed to allow the financiers to restructure Aegis to deliver the Project under a revised delivery strategy while keeping the risk allocation between parties substantially unchanged. In November 2012, a revised Project Agreement was executed between the State and Aegis’ financiers to facilitate the completion of the Project under substantially the same risk allocation as the original agreement.

The prison was completed and commenced operations in April 2015. Aegis will receive quarterly service payments upon meeting key performance standards.

Contact information

Said Merheb
Contracts Manager
Email: said.merheb@justice.vic.gov.au          

Related information

Corrections, Prisons & Parole - Prisons

Tenders VIC: Ararat Prison Project Contract - 016-09

Reviewed 08/07/2024
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