Statement of Expectations for Regulators

The Statement of Expectations (SOE) Framework and its related reporting requirements is designed to facilitate a dialogue between Ministers, departments and regulators.

This dialogue is designed to identify the government’s priorities and emerging risks, and to establish a process for addressing these priorities through regulators’ business planning processes.

The Framework is supported by Towards Best Practice - a guide for regulators (the Guide) developed by Better Regulation Victoria, as well as guidance on how regulators can report on progress in meeting Ministers' expectations.

Assessments against the Guide may highlight priorities for reform and improvement, and regulators are encouraged to discuss these with departments. The process of preparing a SOE may be a useful framework for prioritising and implementing improvements for a regulator. Where appropriate, departments should prioritise issues identified under the principles in the Guide, when developing SOEs with regulators.

For any queries related to the Framework please email

Statement of Expectations Framework for Regulators

Statement of Expectations Framework for Regulations - July 2024
Word 2.87 MB
(opens in a new window)
Statement of Expectations Framework for Regulations - July 2024
PDF 264.91 KB
(opens in a new window)

Guidance on reporting requirements

Guidance on reporting requirements under the Framework
Word 1.3 MB
(opens in a new window)
Guidance on reporting requirements under the Framework.
PDF 82.86 KB
(opens in a new window)
