The CSF was established in 1991 and is governed by the Gambling Regulation Act 2003.
As prescribed by the legislation, the CSF receives 8.33 per cent of the revenue generated from electronic gaming machines in hotels. Any interest earned on the balance of the trust fund is retained by the CSF.
The Government can allocate funding from the CSF to a range of initiatives, which are administered by departments. Funded initiatives must be consistent with the purposes of the legislation.
Programs that tackle problem gambling are the first call on funds from the CSF. The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation Act 2011 gives effect to the Government’s problem gambling policy. This legislation provides the basis on which funds will be transferred from the CSF to the Responsible Gambling Fund to reduce the prevalence and severity of gambling related harm and foster responsible gambling behaviour.
The CSF can also fund:
drug education, treatment, and rehabilitation
financial counselling services or support and assistance for families in crisis
youth programs
sport and recreation
arts and tourism
community support or advancement
costs associated with administering the CSF.
The funds are provided to departments for making grants to a wide range of community-based organisations and councils, supporting them to build strong and sustainable communities.
The legislation also provides for the payment of one day’s revenue from the CSF to the Victorian Veterans Fund.
Information for potential applicants
The Department of Treasury and Finance does not provide CSF grants directly to applicants. Potential applicants are required to contact the relevant government portfolio department to make an application for the CSF.
If the applicant is successful in obtaining funding from the CSF, the government portfolio department will distribute the approved CSF funding and administer the delivery of the approved initiative.