Gateway key decision points, guidance and templates

The Gateway review process examines projects and programs at key decision points throughout their lifecycle.

Projects undergo Gate 1 through 6 reviews, reflective of the key decision points in a project's lifecycle.

Gate 1: Concept and feasibility

Gate 1 investigates the strategic direction and concept development of the proposed investment against the wider agency, portfolio or whole of government goals or needs.

The review is normally performed once the strategic assessment or preliminary business case has been substantially completed but prior to formal submission to the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) or the government for final consideration.

Gate 2: Business case

This review is performed at the completion of the full business case and prior to its submission for funding. This review confirms the business is robust, i.e. it meets the business need, is affordable, achievable and is likely to obtain value for money.

Gate 3: Readiness for market

This review is generally performed after Expressions of Interest (EOI) are released but before Requests for Proposals (RFP) or Tenders (RFT) are issued to the market.

This review confirms the business case once the project is fully defined, confirms the objectives and desired outputs remain aligned and ensures the procurement approach is robust, appropriate and approved.

Gate 4: Tender decision

The Gate 4 review is performed after the preferred contractor has been selected, but prior to contract sign-off.

This review confirms the business case including benefits plan once the bid information is confirmed and checks the required statutory and procedural requirements were followed and that the recommended contract decision is likely to deliver the specified outcomes on time, within budget and provide value for money.

Gate 5: Readiness for service

The Gate 5 review occurs once the asset or service is ready for delivery. This review tests the projects readiness to provide the required service by confirming the current phase of the contract is complete and documented, the contract management arrangements are in place and current, and the business case remains valid.

Gate 6: Benefits realisation

Gate 6 reviews typically occur 6-18 months after project completion and examines whether the benefits as defined in the business case are being delivered.

Program review

These reviews may be applied across the lifecycle of a program. A program in this context may refer to a series of interrelated projects with a common aim, or a broad framework or policy concept that may result in a series of largely independent, smaller projects.


Gateway Review Process Overview
Word 709.67 KB
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Gate 1 - Concept and Feasibility Guidance
Word 383.42 KB
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Gate 2 - Business Case Guidance
Word 408.28 KB
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Gate 3 - Readiness for Market Guidance
Word 388 KB
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Gate 4 - Tender Decision Guidance
Word 420.19 KB
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Gate 5 - Readiness for Service Guidance
Word 381.88 KB
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Gate 6 - Benefits Realisation Guidance
Word 392.64 KB
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Gate 6 - Benefits Realisation (Technical Supplement)
Word 545.2 KB
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Project Assurance Review Guidance
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Gateway Program Review Guidance
Word 601.42 KB
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Gate 1 - Concept and Feasibility Report Template
Word 312.28 KB
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Gate 1 and 2 - Report Template
Word 309.97 KB
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Gate 2 - Business Case Report Template
Word 345.07 KB
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Gate 3 - Readiness for Market Report Template
Word 287.44 KB
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Gate 4 - Tender Decision Report Template
Word 295.95 KB
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Gate 5 - Readiness for Service Report Template
Word 318.91 KB
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Gate 6 - Benefits Realisation Report Template
Word 295.25 KB
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Gateway Recommendation Action Plan Template
Word 120.59 KB
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Project Assurance Review Report Template
Word 261.62 KB
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Gateway Program Review Report Template
Word 316.15 KB
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