Applying for pre-qualification Residential Cladding Rectification Register

Find out high-level information about how to apply for pre-qualification on the Residential Cladding Rectification Register.

The Residential Cladding Rectification Register (RCRR) is an open pre-qualification scheme for suppliers of construction works and services interested in supporting delivery of projects to rectify or remove combustible cladding products on private residential buildings.

Who can apply for pre-qualification onto the RCRR?

Suitably qualified and experienced suppliers of construction works and construction services may apply for pre-qualification with the RCRR at any time. There is no fee to apply.

As part of the RCRR’s application process applicants agree to abide and be bound by the RCRR’s Conditions of pre-qualification, eligibility criteria and the Victorian Government Supplier Code of Conduct.

How to apply for pre-qualification onto the RCRR?

To apply for pre-qualification, visit Access the Construction Supplier Register Portal – for construction works and services suppliers.

Applicants must ensure they can meet the eligibility criteria for applications to the RCRR before proceeding with an application. The RCRR team cannot progress an application if it is incomplete.

There are two application pathways for construction works and services suppliers interested in pre-qualification onto the RCRR as either:

  1. a supplier of construction works – i.e., with demonstrated expertise and financial capacity to tender for projects with contract values greater than $500,000 (inclusive of GST)
  2. a supplier of construction services – i.e., with demonstrated expertise to tender for projects with contract values greater than $200,000 (inclusive of GST).

The pre-qualification scheme does not replace:

Categories of pre-qualification

The Residential Cladding Rectification Register is structured into categories. Each category may be further divided into sub-categories that define areas of expertise or competency. Some categories may include a project limit defining the highest project value an applicant may undertake.

Access the list of categories for suppliers of construction services.

Access the list of categories for suppliers of construction works.

Suppliers holding pre-qualification under the Construction Supplier Register

Suppliers holding pre-qualification under the Construction Supplier Register should contact the Construction Supplier Register team to apply for pre-qualification to perform cladding rectification work.

How to apply for pre-qualification onto the RCRR

To apply for pre-qualification, visit Access the Construction Supplier Register Portal – for construction works and services suppliers.

Applications must be submitted with supporting documentation. A guide is provided below to assist with the application process.

CSR-RCRR application checklist
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Further resources are provided below in the Guides and templates section to assist with the application process.

What information is needed to complete the RCRR’s application for pre-qualification in any of the construction works or services categories?

Applicants need to be able to confirm the following information to complete the RCRR’s application:

  • the application status
    • confirmation of the entity’s legal structure (i.e., as a company, partnership or sole trader).
  • business details and work history
    • details of the applicant including business name; contact person; directors, partners and associated companies
    • Australian Business Number (ABN) / Australian Company Number (ACN)
    • Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) director identification number
    • details of at least three current construction projects, including the names and contact details for independent referees
    • details of where the applicant is willing to work
    • evidence of current relevant insurance policies.
  • relevant registrations
    • details of relevant registrations (such as a Registered Building Practitioner with the Victorian Building Authority, registration as an Architect with the Architects Registration Board of Victoria or registration with the Business Licensing Authority for all engineering related categories).
    • for directors of a company and partnership, registration with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).
    • a copy of the completed and signed Construction Supplier Register Deed Poll (linked below) relevant to any of the engineering pre-qualification category/ies being applied for (refer to the RCRR’s eligibility criteria for further information).
Construction Supplier Register Deed Poll - engineering related categories
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  • commitment to the Victorian Government Supplier Code of Conduct
  • occupational health and safety system documents
    • A completed Occupational health and safety (OHS) template, relevant to either construction works or construction services categories being applied for, must be returned to the RCRR team. Templates are provided below with accompanying guidance.
  • Details about experience in cladding rectification projects
    • a list of all projects the applicant was involved in where combustible cladding was used
    • a list of all projects the applicant had a financial interest where combustible cladding was used
    • insurance details related to cladding
    • disciplinary action history (if relevant).

Applicants applying for any of the construction works categories require the following additional information to complete their application:

  • copies of financial statements prepared by an account for the last two financial years
    • the financial statements must be audited if an applicant is applying for pre-qualification to be eligible to tender for public construction projects with a contract value greater than $15 million.
  • a completed Industrial relations management self-assessment
    • The industrial relations tab in the application form must be completed. A guide is provided in the Guides and templates section to assist completion of the application form.

For construction Works applicants seeking a maximum project limit of $3 Million or above – evidence of the Fair Jobs Code pre-assessment certificate must be provided as part of the application for pre-qualification onto the RCRR.

Guides and templates

The following documents will help applicants prepare their application for pre-qualification onto the RCRR.

Occupation health and safety management plan

Detailed guide on the mandatory occupational health and safety management criteria describes:

  • the eligibility criteria that apply to occupational health and safety management
  • the information to submit as evidence of safety management processes used by the applicant
Detailed Guide on the mandatory OHS management criteria
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Applicants may use the following template when submitting their evidence of safety management processes:

OHS management system template Works with third party certification
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OHS management system template Works without third party certification
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OHS management system template Construction Services with third party certification
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OHS management system template Construction Services without third party certification
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Industrial relations self-assessment checklist (for suppliers of construction works only)

The Detailed guide on the mandatory industrial relations management criteria describes each criterion.

OHS management system template Construction Services without third party certification
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How are applications for pre-qualification on the Residential Cladding Rectification Register assessed?

Applications are assessed against the eligibility criteria for applications to the Residential Cladding Rectification Register.

Help and support

Please contact the Residential Cladding Rectification Register team for assistance in preparing or submitting applications for pre-qualification.
