Public construction consists of any matter relating to the construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, alteration, extension or demolition of any improvements on land by, or on behalf of, departments and public bodies. This includes:
- design and construction practices
- tendering processes
- project delivery
- contract administration.
Ministerial Directions and Instructions for Public Construction
The Assistant Treasurer is responsible for prescribing principles and procedures relating to Victorian public construction procurement including tendering and contracting procedures and mandatory practices for public construction.
These principles and procedures apply to all departments and public bodies engaged in construction procurement.
On 1 July 2018 new principles and procedures replaced the old rules. The new principles and procedures are presented in the Ministerial Directions and Instructions for Public Construction Procurement in Victoria.
The Ministerial Directions and Instructions are supported by non-mandatory Guidance for Public Construction Procurement in Victoria.
Refreshed standard form contracts were released on 1 July 2018 to complement the new Directions and Instructions, refer to Practitioners Toolkit - Standard form contracts.
Fact sheets presenting summaries of the new Ministerial Directions and comparing them to the old rules are available at Practitioners Toolkit - Fact sheets.
The Department of Treasury and Finance provides support and advice to the Assistant Treasurer in relation to public construction policy.
For more information in relation to public construction policies, contact Construction Policy.