Tools and resources

Sample legal templates are provided to assist users looking to undertake a Partnership. This section will be updated as additional tools and resources become available.

Joint Development Phase Agreement

The template agreement to be signed by the successful Invitee from the Request for Proposal phase as part of proceeding to the Joint Development Phase.

Joint Development Phase Agreement
PDF 283.99 KB
(opens in a new window)

Sample legal templates have been developed to assist proponents in the drafting of a range of transaction documents related to a PAD. Note these templates are in the process of being reviewed and are subject to change.

This includes a sample Implementation Agreement, Direct Deed and Services Subcontract, which have been provided below.

Implementation Agreement
Word 240.24 KB
(opens in a new window)
Direct Deed
Word 143.26 KB
(opens in a new window)
Services Subcontract
Word 60.27 KB
(opens in a new window)

Sample legal templates have also been developed to support proponents securing finance through the guarantor model (for example, through debt and philanthropic funding).

This includes a sample Master Guarantee Deed, Loan Agreement, Guarantor Accession Deed Poll, Pledge Deed and Side Deed.

Master Guarantee Deed
Word 60.51 KB
(opens in a new window)
Loan Agreement
Word 99.24 KB
(opens in a new window)
Guarantor Accession Deed Poll
Word 44.22 KB
(opens in a new window)
Pledge Deed
Word 55.26 KB
(opens in a new window)
Side Deed
Word 40.22 KB
(opens in a new window)

These legal contract templates are designed to be scalable to the needs of individual PADs. Users may remove sections that don't apply or include additional sections as required.

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Investor engagement guidance paper

DTF has released a guidance paper to help service providers build deeper capabilities, engage investors and participate in PADs.

This paper seeks to support future PADs and collaborations on social investment, in response to feedback that the social services sector had limited capabilities in investor engagement.

The paper highlights key steps and considerations in the investor engagement process. It draws on additional papers and insights from Social Ventures Australia and Anglicare Victoria.

Improving investor engagement for the social services sector - DTF guidance paper
PDF 1.71 MB
(opens in a new window)
Improving investor engagement for the social services sector - DTF guidance paper
Word 236.65 KB
(opens in a new window)
Impact investment - the COMPASS experience - Anglicare Victoria's experience in raising capital for the Compass Social Impact Bond
PDF 1.58 MB
(opens in a new window)
Impact investment - the COMPASS experience - Anglicare Victoria's experience in raising capital for the Compass Social Impact Bond
Word 3.58 MB
(opens in a new window)
Guidance for the social services sector on engaging investors - Social Ventures Australia
PDF 443.5 KB
(opens in a new window)
Guidance for the social services sector on engaging investors - Social Ventures Australia
Word 1.78 MB
(opens in a new window)

Future Directions in Partnerships Addressing Disadvantage: Consultation paper

DTF undertook a public consultation to help shape the future direction of the Government’s PADs initiative and social investment strategy. Through this process, DTF received almost 30 written submissions and engaged with many more stakeholders through our open door sessions.

DTF heard through the consultation that there is strong interest in social investment including PADs and the Early Intervention Investment Framework (EIIF). However, organisations face some barriers in participating in EIIF and PADs. Several submissions noted:

  • there is limited access to and understanding of government held data when preparing a proposal
  • preparing a proposal can be resource and time intensive, and/or require specialist skills that smaller organisations may not currently possess
  • clearer parameters for outcome measures at the Request for Proposal stage can reduce ambiguity when preparing proposals and streamline the Joint Development Phase
  • uncertainty about when PADs opportunities would be offered made it difficult to plan ahead
  • organisations had limited investor engagement capabilities that made it difficult for them engage in PADs.

The Government has worked to address this feedback through the new Maximising outcomes through social investments initiative and the investor engagement guidance paper.

Future directions in partnerships addressing disadvantage: consulting paper
PDF 558.36 KB
(opens in a new window)
Future directions in partnerships addressing disadvantage: consultation paper
Word 5.88 MB
(opens in a new window)
