Workplace Incidents Consultative Committee: Ralph Snider's story

Ralph Snider is a member of the Workplace Incidents Consultative Committee (the WICC).

The WICC is a lived experience committee that commenced in June 2021 to strengthen the voice of Victorians who have been affected by a serious workplace incident.

The WICC currently comprises 13 lived experience members and one Government representative.

Find out more about the WICC.

Ralph’s Snider's story

Ralph suffered pain in his forearms resulting in a chronic pain condition while working as a Senior Analyst Programmer in 1992, and suffered a recurrence in 2004.

Common hazards or risks in office work generally come from psychosocial effects and hazardous manual handling, for example, repetitive work like computer use.

Ralph is sharing his story to advocate for injured workers and help people understand that injuries are not the worker’s fault.

Ralph’s message for people affected by a serious workplace incident

“If a person has a niggle or minor soreness, see a GP and get referred to the appropriate medical person. If you’re not happy with the response you’re getting, seek a second opinion.”

Ralph’s message for employers

Ralph believes that employers should be more inclusive of injured workers. He stresses the importance of getting injured workers back into the workplace as quickly as possible and communicating regularly to support their recovery.

WorkSafe resources

Office health and safety resources are available on the WorkSafe Victoria website.
