Workplace Incidents Consultative Committee: Brett Struhs' story

Brett Struhs is a member of the Workplace Incidents Consultative Committee (the WICC).

The WICC is a lived experience committee that commenced in June 2021 to strengthen the voice of Victorians who have been affected by a serious workplace incident.

The WICC currently comprises 13 lived experience members and one Government representative.

Find out more about the WICC.

Brett Struhs' story

Brett’s son, Kyle, died on 30 November 2018 after falling from a ladder while installing solar panels in Bendigo.

Young Workers (aged 15-24 years old) and apprentices are often one of the most vulnerable cohorts in workplaces. They have the highest chance of being injured in the first six months of starting a new job, due to their lack of experience and being new to the role.

Brett is sharing his story to let people who are affected by workplace incidents know that they are not alone.

Brett’s message for people affected by a serious workplace incident

Brett encourages others to seek support, and remember you are not alone. - “…don’t bottle it up, talk to people, and try to get some help.”

WorkSafe resources

Young workers: Safety basics resources are available on the WorkSafe Victoria website.
