1. Gender composition of all levels of the workforce
1.1 Expand on the gender equality and diversity workforce data collected and reported on
Description: Expand on the gender equality and diversity workforce data collected and reported on to improve gender equality and diversity metrics
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF is unable to expand gender equality and diversity workforce data collected using its current HR systems, as modification to its system would require significant investment and participation from multiple departments. DTF will continue to rely on the People Matter Survey (PMS) as a data source for expanded diversity measures, which will be supplemented upon implementation of the VPS Human Capital Management (HCM) system, SuccessFactors in coming years.
Introduce additional gender equality workforce metrics
Description: Introduce additional gender equality workforce metrics to be captured and reported on to monitor progress to improve gender equality and diversity
• Increase the cultural diversity of women from 19 per cent to 20 per cent across DTF.
• Increase the number of employees who identify as non-binary to 10 per cent.
• Increase the number of women at VPS6 from 43 per cent to 50 per cent.
• Ensure there is 50 per cent women at all Executive bands.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF reports quarterly to the DTF Board on HR metrics including workforce gender composition. DTF also reports bi-annually on attrition to the DTF Board, including analysis on the impact of attrition on gender composition overall and within specific classifications.
As demonstrated by progress in the gender equality indicator 'gender composition of all levels of the workforce' DTF has made progress in increasing women's representation in senior VPS classifications while reducing their overrepresentation in lower VPS classifications. This includes an increase in the proportion of women in the VPSG6 classification from 43 per cent in 2021 to 48 per cent in 2023. While there is improvement in the gender composition of women at the SES-1 band, overall gender composition in the SES cohort remains at 44 per cent.
DTF is unable to regularly report on sexuality and cultural diversity due to current HR system limitations, which will be resolved upon implementation of the VPS HCM system, SuccessFactors in coming years.
DTF considers its target regarding non-binary representation as void due to this target being unrealistic based on broader VPS and population statistics for non-binary persons. DTF will set revised gender diversity targets based on sector, industry and population measures of gender diversity.
To remove subjectivity from DTF's cultural diversity, the metric “increase the cultural diversity of women” has been discontinued. In place of this measure, DTF will set an ongoing measure to maintain its agreement rates to the PMS question “I feel culturally safe at work” above the results of its comparator group. DTF succeeded in meeting this measure in 2023 with 91 per cent of DTF respondents agreeing to this statement in 2023 compared to 83 per cent on average for the comparator group.
Communications campaign throughout the year
Description: Communications campaign throughout the year, including induction, to encourage employee confidence to share their demographic details to better capture and report on gender equality and diversity metrics.
Status: Not started
Status description: No specific communication campaign has been developed to share this information however in communications relating to surveys conducted, such as the PMS, there is emphasis on encouraging staff to share details relating to gender equality and diversity metrics. DTF will have opportunity to develop communications campaigns related to employees sharing their demographic details via HR systems when the VPS HCM system, SuccessFactors is launched.
Continue to work with the VPSC and VPS and DTF networks
Description: Continue to work with the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) and VPS and DTF network(s) to understand workforce data to improve gender equality and diversity.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF liaises regularly with the VPSC to understand PMS questions relating to gender equality and diversity. There is opportunity to liaise with VPS and DTF networks to better understand and improve gender equality and diversity.
1.2 Continue to deliver tailored DTF leadership development program
Description: Continue to deliver DTF leadership development programs, tailored for women at VPS5–VPS6, to increase gender balance.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF continues to promote and encourage women especially at the VPS5-6 level to register and participate in women's leadership programs offered by trusted providers. DTF also ensures its own leadership development program, targeted to VPSG6 and STS employees, has a gender balanced intake.
Focus on high performing women at VPS5 and above
Description: DTF to focus on high performing women at VPS5–6 to increase gender balance and diversity at VPS6 and above, and/or support pathways to specialist roles.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: The DTF People and Culture team discusses and focuses on high performing women at VPS5-6 in dealings with stakeholders and provides career development opportunities. Opportunities include tailored LinkedIn learning and external suitable leadership programs. DTF recognises the importance of focusing on this specific career development pathway to improve the gender balance at more senior levels within the organisation.
Connect and engage with the Women of Colour network
Description: Connect and engage with the Women of Colour network on contemporary practices in the development of culturally appropriate leadership programs.
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
1.3 Continue to deliver career development with a focus on women at VPS3 - VPS5
Description: Continue to deliver career development, with a focus on women at VPS3 - VPS5 to support transition into higher or specialised roles.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF regularly promotes training and appropriate courses available with IPAA. The courses build capability in a variety of areas with course titles such as Advanced Presentation Skills, Contract Management, and Building the Business Case. IPAA offers a range of courses suited to VPSG3-5 levels. DTF also focuses on career conversations, with People and Culture Business Partners promoting these important discussions and ensuring managers are aware of the tools and resources available to them to have meaningful career discussions.
Focus on high-performing women at VPS3 - VPS5 to increase retention rates
Description: DTF to focus on high performing women at VPS3–VPS5, to increase retention rates and to increase the career transition of women into higher or specialised roles.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF People and Culture uses Performance Development ratings data to ensure high performing women at VPSG3-5 levels are aware of appropriate courses available to develop capability. Together with their managers, the focus is on career development and formalising the Performance Development Plan to include advancing their career options.
1.4 Role of Gender Equality Champion
Description: The Gender Equality Champion to continue to lead gender equality as a key business and strategic focus and a driver for improved organisational performance and engagement.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF's Gender Equality Champion was instrumental in launching the Gender Equality Action Plan for DTF and made it a priority to promote Gender Equality at Executive Leadership meetings. DTF is in the process of selecting a new Gender Equality Champion as the previous Champion left DTF. Once identified they will lead key gender equality initiatives to drive organisational performance and engagement.
Gender Equality indicators and progress
Description: Gender Equality indicators and progress to continue to be a regular key agenda item for the Senior Executive Group (SEG) and to also be included in the Quarterly Board Performance Report as a mechanism for tracking and sharing progress.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: The Quarterly Board Performance Report includes workforce gender split metrics (gender composition). Data presented includes gender split by division, gender split by grade and Senior Executive gender split. DTF Board discusses the data and recommendations for improvements. DTF is considering formalising 'Gender Equality Indicators and Progress' as a standing agenda item at DTF Board meetings.
DTF leaders consider only attending or speaking at external panels which are gender balanced
Status: Void/cancelled
Status description: This is a consideration and not a requirement. The gender balance will be considered however this should not impact the speaking engagement.
Establish a Gender Equality Committee
Description: Establish a Gender Equality Committee to monitor progress and identify risks and challenges in the delivery of the GEAP (biannually).
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF did establish a Gender Equality Committee during the time of developing the GEAP. This Committee included a range of VPS levels including Executives and included male staff. DTF continued to monitor progress and assess challenges with the support of the Committee. This Committee has lapsed due to resourcing constraints in the People and Culture team.
2. Gender composition of governing bodies
2.1 Continue to communicate policy guidelines promoting fair and consistent recruitment and appointment(s) to Executive roles and/or panels
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF communicates policy guidelines to interview panels and hiring managers to ensure fair and consistent appointments at the Executive level. This includes ensuring the candidate shortlist is diverse and gender balanced and discussions with hiring managers on the importance of gender equality and educating them in terms of policy and guidelines.
Regularly promote and communicate the VPSC guidelines in relation to the recruitment and appointment of governing bodies
Description: Regularly promote and communicate the VPSC guidelines in relation to the recruitment and appointment of governing bodies, board and/or panels to improve gender representation and diversity.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF follows the set of guidelines set for boards to ensure it represents the diversity of Victorians. DTF actively looks at the composition of boards to determine what job boards to use. Position descriptions and advertisements are also prepared with inclusive language. DTF assesses whether to advertise on 'Women on Boards', or 'Victorian Women’s Register' and other forums, such as ‘women in engineering’ via LinkedIn. The shortlisting process includes a matrix which takes into consideration the composition of the Board and enables an appropriate recruitment plan to be developed.
Director or Executive Director roles to be advertised within three months of becoming vacant
Description: Director or Executive Director roles to be advertised within three months of becoming vacant, with acting arrangements not to exceed three months.
Status: Void/cancelled
Status description: Due to the lengthy recruitment process to fill an Executive role, this initiative is cancelled.
Improve transparency for roles on governing bodies
Description: Improve transparency of the experience, skills and capabilities required for roles on governing bodies.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF removes jargon from position descriptions that are being developed for roles on governing boards and uses inclusive language in position descriptions and advertisements.
3. Equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value across all levels of the workforce, irrespective of gender
3.1 Reduce the pay gap by at least 5 per cent over the next four years
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF's median pay gap decreased by 3.8% for base salary and 4.6% for total remuneration. While progress has been made since the 2021 baseline audit, more frequent reporting is required to ensure DTF meets its target by June 2025 and addresses pay gaps for specific cohorts (e.g. the Executive cohort).
Continue to undertake annual pay gap data analysis (include intersectional data) and corrective action
Description: Continue to undertake annual pay gap data analysis (include intersectional data) and corrective action particularly when an occupation(s) and/or VPS level is identified with a pay gap of greater than 2 per cent.
Status: Not started
Status description: Regular pay gap analysis is planned to commence in 2024, which will include quarterly reporting to the DTF Board on the base salary pay gap for DTF overall and by classification. Continued efforts to address the underrepresentation of women in high paying classifications (VPSG6 and above) will also support reduction in the gender pay gap at DTF. DTF plans to include gender pay gap analysis in its annual SES remuneration review process.
The outcomes of the gender pay analysis to be shared with all employees
Status: In progress
Status description: As part of the 2021 workplace gender equality audit, DTF undertook a pay gap analysis. The results of the 2021 pay gap analysis were used to determine DTF's baseline and to set measures and targets in the DTF 2021-2025 GEAP. DTF's pay gap results were published internally and communicated to all staff in the Gender Equality Workforce Audit report, which was also published on the Commission's website.
DTF to allocate specific budget annually to counter identified pay gaps
Status: Void/cancelled
Status description: DTF has improved equal remuneration without a specific budget set aside to address specific pay gaps. Setting aside a specific budget to counter identified pay gaps is not practical in the current fiscal setting. The Victorian Government has set significant savings requirements across the public sector which make this measure impractical as DTF faces staffing budget constraints. Based on the current trajectory of DTF's progress in achieving its equal remuneration targets, having reduced the median pay gap by 3.8 per cent for base salary and 4.6 per cent for total remuneration in two years, DTF's planned and existing controls will be sufficient to deliver a 5 per cent reduction by June 2025. This measure is therefore cancelled.
Regularly review the DTF Job Classification policy to identify if there are current gender biases
Description: Regularly review the DTF Job Classification policy to identify if there are current gender biases that are impacting upon remuneration and take corrective action.
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
4. Sexual harassment in the workplace
4.1 Continue to promote and communicate the Department’s zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment across DTF
Status: Ongoing
Status description: The Department’s zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment is promoted and communicated in regular Secretary messages to all staff and continues to be a focus for DTF. The DTF People Matter Action Plan (PMAP) for 2022-23 has an action for all staff to complete the Sexual Harassment in the Workplace eLearn and this action will be considered for inclusion in the 2023-24 PMAP.
Promote the Peer Support Network (formerly the DTF Safe People Officers program) and ensure sufficient officers are available to all employees across DTF
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF has a comprehensive Peer Support Network (Safe People program) under which there are currently ten trained Safe People who are available to support and assist DTF staff. Information about the program and all necessary details are available on TreasuryNet, DTF's intranet site.
Respectful Workplace Culture roll out of face-to-face and online training
Status: In progress
Status description: Respectful Workplace Culture training has been prepared and will be rolled out in person to all DTF Divisions in 2023-24 and into 2024-25. A comprehensive training pack has been developed with the support of DTF’s occupational health and safety third party provider. The online program has not been developed yet.
Sexual harassment data (without breaching confidentiality) is a standing agenda item on the DTF Work Health and Safety committee
Status: Ongoing
Status description: This is a standing agenda item on all DTF Work Health and Safety Committee meetings. The meetings occur every quarter and the topic of sexual harassment data is discussed with discretion due to the nature of the data.
Annually communicate and promote resources available to all employees to counter sexual harassment and emphasise DTF’s zero tolerance approach
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF’s zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment and counter sexual harassment resources are communicated formally through Secretary messages to all staff and via People and Culture Business Partners at a minimum annually. DTF has a comprehensive interactive VPSC approved eLearn on 'Sexual Harassment in the Workplace'. This is a mandatory eLearn all staff are required to complete every two years.
Implement and annually promote the anonymous reporting process being introduced across the VPS
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
4.2 Review relevant policies and processes to ensure people of all genders feel safe to report sexual harassment
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF's Treasury Net (intranet site) has a dedicated page on Sexual Harassment and includes policies and processes on sexual harassment and reporting sexual harassment.
Regularly review sexual harassment guidelines and procedures to ensure these reflect the sector and community practice approach
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF’s People and Culture team regularly reviews sexual harassment policies and guidelines and communicates any changes or updates to DTF stakeholders.
5. Recruitment and promotion practices in the workplace
5.1 Continue to build DTF’s recognition externally as an employer of choice
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF is building its recognition as an employer of choice with communications and promotions on LinkedIn. Celebrating achievements in an inclusive and gender equal manner is a priority.
Promote the Department’s commitment to gender equality and diversity, inclusion, and flexible ways of working internally
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF is committed to gender equality and diversity and promotes this with inclusive advertising on position descriptions and job advertisements.
Engage with employees, relevant peak bodies, and external networks
Description: Engage with employees, relevant peak bodies, and external networks to continue to embed recruitment and engagement practices to increase gender diversity and build on being recognised as an employer of choice.
Status: Not started
Status description: This activity is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
5.2 Review the DTF Recruitment and selection policy, to increase gender diversity, retention, and promotion rates of women
Status: Not started
Status description: A gender equality review of the DTF Recruitment and Selection policy has not been actioned and will be undertaken in 2024-25.
Review policy and guidelines to improve gender equality
Description: Review policy and guidelines to continue to promote and improve gender equality and diversity practices and targets within the Department’s recruitment, remuneration and promotion processes.
- Increase retention rates of women at Executive Director and at VPS3–VPS5 level.
- Increase the number of women applicants to DTF from 34 per cent to 50 per cent over the next four years.
- Increase the promotion of women at VPS5–VPS6 to 50 per cent (from 42 per cent to 45 per cent respectively).
- Increase promotion rates for women at Directors/STS and VPS5–VPS6 to 50 per cent.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF will consider results outlined under each category in future reviews of its recruitment, remuneration and promotion processes.
- Retention: Women represented 56 per cent of Executive Directors in 2021 and 50 per cent in 2023. During the 2023 audit reporting period all Executive Director departures were women (excluding Machinery of Government transfers). Retention of women at the VPSG3-4 level was poorer with women representing 65 per cent of departures despite comprising 55 per cent of the overall cohort. At the VPSG5 classification retention was better with women representing 48 per cent of departures and 50 per cent of the overall cohort.
- Applicant gender composition: The gender composition of DTF job applicants has improved by 2 per cent with 36 per cent of applicants identifying as women during the 2023 reporting period compared to 34 per cent in 2021.
- Promotions: Women comprised 40 per cent of VPSG5 and 44 per cent of VPSG6 promotions in 2021. In 2023 women comprised 50 per cent of VPSG5 promotions and 32 per cent of VPSG6 promotions. Promotions at the Director/STS level increased from 25 per cent women in 2021 to 38 per cent women in 2023.
DTF to review the performance development moderation process
Description: DTF to review the performance development moderation process to enable an equitable approach to promotion through the performance development process.
Status: Not started
Status description: A gender equality review of DTF’s performance development moderation process will commence in 2024-25.
6. Availability and utilisation of terms, conditions and practices relating to family violence leave, flexible working arrangements and working arrangements supporting workers with family or caring responsibilities
6.1 Regularly review and communicate DTF Family Violence guidelines to improve ease of access to leave
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF has a dedicated resource page on TreasuryNet (intranet) for Family Violence. This includes policy, support services, Frequently Asked Questions and details on forms and processes to follow. This content is regularly updated to reflect any changes.
In consultation with employees, DTF to regularly review guidelines and processes to improve ease of access, safety and privacy for employees when applying for leave
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
Engage and connect with family violence external networks to understand and embed contemporary sector and community practice
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
6.2 Continue to regularly promote DTF’s approach to flexible work arrangements to increase uptake across DTF
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF's People and Culture Business Partners continue to promote Flexible Work arrangements with their stakeholders. The Business Partners provide data on the uptake and discuss ways to increase flexible work. Managers continue to promote flexible work and flexible work is promoted during the recruitment process.
Annually promote the Department’s flexible work guidance materials.
Description: Annually promote the Department’s flexible work guidance materials to ensure employees are aware of arrangements available under the Enterprise Agreement 2020.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: Since 2021, DTF has updated its flexible working policy and guidance materials to adapt to changing COVID-19 conditions and support return to office efforts with the assistance of flexible work arrangements. Regular messages have been issued by the Secretary to all staff encouraging employees to discuss flexible work needs with their managers.
People and Culture process to provide multiple opportunities for employees to share flexibility and accessibility requirements.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF has improved flexible work accessibility by updating the process for employees to request an arrangement. The workflow to provide employees access to flexible work arrangements has changed from a paper based to an electronic process, facilitated by DTF's payroll system. Updated, user friendly guidance has been published to assist employees with discussing arrangements with their managers and submitting them via the payroll system. Further enhancements to the flexible work process will be introduced throughout the employee lifecycle as DTF transitions to the HCM system, SuccessFactors, in coming years.
Deliver improved guidance around avoiding bias during performance assessments.
Description: Deliver improved guidance around avoiding bias during performance assessments of employees who have additional non-work responsibilities or who use flexible work arrangements and/or work part time.
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
6.3 Improve parental leave policies and guidelines to be non-gendered.
Status: Completed
Status description: The DTF Parental Leave Policy and Parental Leave guidelines are non-gendered.
DTF to make recommendations to improve parental leave entitlements in the next Enterprise Agreement negotiations.
Status: Complete
Status description: Changes to the parental leave provisions were made as part of the new VPS agreement.
Continue to promote and communicate parental leave entitlements.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF’s People and Culture Business Partners promote and communicate parental leave entitlements on an individual basis and as required by staff members.
Provide a more formal approach to employees returning from periods of parental leave to support their transition back into the workplace.
Status: Not started
Status description: A new program titled Parental Leave Support Program will commence early 2024 to address returning to work.
7. Gender segregation within the workplace
7.1 Increase gender representation and diversity in occupations with significant gender segregation.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF's occupational segregation remains relatively unchanged since 2021. Women remain underrepresented in managerial positions, overrepresented in clerical and administrative worker positions, and more evenly represented in professional positions. Within the professional occupational category, women continue to be underrepresented in economist roles which is a traditionally male dominated occupation.
Continue to support employment programs to increase gender balance and diversity in highly segregated occupations.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: DTF strongly supports employment programs that are offered in the VPS to increase gender equity. Regular communication promoting employment programs are issued via DTF's intranet site and the Secretary promotes these programs in all staff messages. DTF runs a 'Women in Economics Mentoring Program'. This program is run by the Economic Division and attracts women studying in the fields of Economics or Finance. It is run annually and is a talent attraction program for DTF.
Target specific occupations with high gender segregation with a focus on recruitment and secondment arrangements to increase gender diversity.
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
Create an internal awareness campaign to promote understanding of gender segregation of occupations.
Description: Create an internal awareness campaign to promote understanding of gender segregation of occupations within the workplace, workforce and industry, and the impact gender stereotypes can have on decisions about role type and level.
Status: Not started
Status description: This measure is planned for commencement in 2024-25.
8. Gender Impact Analysis for policy development
8.1 Establish Gender Responsive development and budgeting across DTF.
Status: In progress
Status description: As detailed below, progress has been made on each measure under this strategy, with one complete, two ongoing and two in progress.
Develop a tool to assess the overall impact of the budget on people of different genders and establish a baseline to evaluate impact over time.
Status: In progress
Status description: DTF considers the overall impact of the budget on gender equality as part of the budget process and provides advice to Government on this. The Government has published a Gender Equality Budget Statement since 2017-18 to outline the impacts of the budget on women and gender equality.
Gap analysis to inform future policy development.
Status: In progress
Status description: When gender responsive budgeting was introduced, ahead of the 2022-23 Budget, the Government had received the report on the Independent Inquiry into Economic Equity for Victorian Women, led by Carol Shwartz. This report was effectively a gender gap report, recommending policy priority areas for Government consideration. Government will consider an approach to a gender gap analysis as part of future resourcing decisions (consistent with the recommendation of the PAEC Inquiry into Gender Responsive Budgeting, which the Government accepted in principle).
Embed gender responsive budgeting within the State budget process.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: Gender responsive budgeting is in its third year in Victoria, and the Government has committed to legislating the practice in the 2024 calendar year.
Build on the achievements of the Gender Equality Act 2020.
Description: Build on the achievements of the Gender Equality Act 2020 by embedding the requirement for Gender Impact Assessments for policies, programs, or services with a direct and significant impact on the public into resource allocation processes.
Status: Ongoing
Status description: Budget business case templates and guidance have embedded the requirement for Gender Impact Assessments. DTF has provided support and training for departments to support this objective, and have tracked departmental completion rates, which have increased over the first two years. The 2024-25 Budget will be the third year of gender responsive budgeting in Victoria.
Evaluate tools and processes implemented in the 2022-23 Budget before embedding them into future budget processes.
Status: Complete
Status description: An evaluation was undertaken after the 2022-23 Budget was completed, the first time that gender responsive budgeting principles and practices were incorporated into the State budget process.