Victorian Desalination Project

The Victorian Desalination Project supplies up to 150 billion litres of water a year to the greater Melbourne and Geelong area.

Project name

Victorian Desalination Project


$5 720 million (net present cost as at September 2009)


Service delivery commenced

Department or agency

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

Private sector partner



The Victorian Desalination Project (Project), located in the Wonthaggi region, achieved final commissioning completion on 17 December 2012 and is fully operational.

The plant is capable of supplying up to 150 billion litres of water a year to Melbourne, Geelong and via other connections, South Gippsland and Western Port towns.

The Project provides for desalinated water to be delivered from the private sector to the State Government owned water authorities, who will in turn deliver this water to households.

The Project is being delivered as a public private partnership Project by the AquaSure consortium.

The scope of the Project includes the construction and operation of the desalination plant, the 84 kilometre transfer pipeline to connect to Melbourne’s existing water supplies, delivery of power supply for the project, operations and maintenance, and the purchase of renewable energy credits.

Contact information

Andrew Ogilvie
Director, Victorian Desalination Project
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Victorian Desalination Project - Project summary
PDF 452.67 KB
(opens in a new window)

Aquasure website(opens in a new window)

DEECA - Victorian Desalination Project
